Healing Through Grief Part 2

Today we continue with Part 2 of Healing Through Grief, Ariel’s Story. This episode focuses on all the ways Ariel was being prepared to be there for her dad- even though she didn’t know it was coming. And even though her intentions for healing were for her own reasons. Christy and I unknowingly got to be part of this journey. 

We love Ariel’s perspective and how rich her experience is as an empath. The process of watching her go from overwhelmed to empowered is really cool to see.  

As a reminder, if you feel that listening to the heaviness of the death of a loved one is too much for you right now, then we invite you to skip this and the following couple of podcasts since this is a 3 Part series. 

Ariel Arnson is a Rapid Transformational Therapist and coach, her mission is to guide people in reconnecting to themselves, their body, mind, spirit and enhancing that relationship by reconnecting them to live in the knowingness of their inner truth: I AM ENOUGH.

Ariel’s info: https://www.arielarnson.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ariels_cosmos/