Healing Through Grief- Ariel's Story Part 1

Today we are going in a little different direction than usual. Christy and I are interviewing Ariel Arnson about the experience she’s had with the recent passing of her father. She shares vulnerably and powerfully a view that is in contrast with what can be very sterile in our culture. We want to share the gift or Ariel’s story with you. 

If you feel that listening to the heaviness of the death of a loved one is too much for you right now, then we invite you to skip this and the following couple of podcasts since this is a 3 Part series. 

Ariel Arnson is a Rapid Transformational Therapist and coach, her mission is to guide people in reconnecting to themselves, their body, mind, spirit and enhancing that relationship by reconnecting them to live in the knowingness of their inner truth: I AM ENOUGH.

Ariel’s info: https://www.arielarnson.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ariels_cosmos/