Healing Through Grief Part 3 with Ariel Arnson

Today concludes our conversation with Ariel. Christy and I feel like we’ve been given a gift through Ariel’s story and are so happy that we get to share it with you. Please let us know what you think! This is a little different for us and we’d love to know if it resonates with you. We believe this topic is so important and seeing it through Ariel’s eyes was really powerful.

This is the last episode in a 3 Part series. If you missed the last two you might want to go back and listen. Please be warned the topic is the death of a loved one so you can decide if that’s right for you right now. 

Ariel Arnson is a Rapid Transformational Therapist and coach, her mission is to guide people in reconnecting to themselves, their body, mind, spirit and enhancing that relationship by reconnecting them to live in the knowingness of their inner truth: I AM ENOUGH.

Ariel’s info: https://www.arielarnson.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ariels_cosmos/

The Messy Path Podcast: https://www.arielarnson.com/messypath